INFN Pisa - postdoc position in Theoretical Physics

The Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) invites applications for one postdoc position in Theoretical Physics to work within the theory group in Pisa on the subject of "Research on theoretical nuclear and subnuclear physics, field theory and statistical mechanics"

The position is for two years and it is offered to canditates who are less than 34 years old at the moment of application.

Applications should be submitted electronically no later than February 14th, 2013.
The official announcement for this job opening is posted at:…

Because the whole procedure is set in Italian and the interviews will be possible only if the canditate can reach one of the INFN branches listed in the official announcement, it is strongly suggested that potential candidates should contact ASAP one of following members of the Pisa theory group, indicating the subfield of interest (Nuclear, Subnuclear or Field Theory or Statistical Mechanics):

Dr. Angela Bonaccorso

Dr. Michele Viviani