PDF advertisement (level 2 research grant) for the Bari unit of INFN:
The focus is on "Development and characterization of silicon detectors for high-energy collider experiments".
The Bari group is involved in the development of particle detectors based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS)
for the ALICE ITS3 upgrade and future trackers for the ePIC experiment at the EIC and ALICE 3 at the LHC.
The Theory Group in the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory is now seeking candidates for postdoctoral positions in nuclear theory, to begin as early as Spring 2025.
For more information, please see the ad on
The Fundamental Symmetries Group in the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory invites applications for a junior staff position in experimental nuclear/atomic physics. We are especially looking for candidates whose research program aligns with the 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Physics, focusing on lab-based tests of fundamental symmetries via precision experiments.
The Department of Physics at the University of Houston seeks to fill a tenure-track Assistant professorship with an experimentalist specializing in nuclear physics, pending the approval by the University of Houston Board of Regents. Exceptional candidates with a strong background in high energy nuclear physics are encouraged to apply. The local group is actively involved in ALICE at LHC, STAR at RHIC, and ePIC at the future EIC. The primary motivation for this position is to further strengthen the existing efforts towards the experimental program at the EIC.
We are seeking to appoint a Post Doctoral Research Associate in Theoretical Nuclear Physics as part of the UKRI-funded ERC Project NUCLEAR (NUclear CLustering Effects in Astrophysical Reactions) led by Prof Marialuisa Aliotta. The appointed PDRA will develop and apply ab initio reaction modelling methods to support experimental research within the group, addressing key questions in nuclear astrophysics.
The newly established Emmy Noether group of Dr. Farah Afzal at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) in Germany, focusing on hadron spectroscopy with the GlueX experiment, invites applications for a Postdoc position in hadron physics. The Postdoc position is expected to begin in February 2025 earliest, and last for three years. The position is based on the German civil service pay scale TV-L E13 and is funded by the Emmy Noether Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
The Department of Physics at New Mexico State University seeks
applicants for a tenure-track position at the level of assistant
professor in experimental nuclear and hadronic physics. The successful
candidate is expected to teach undergraduate and graduate physics and
establish an externally-funded research program directly involving
graduate and undergraduate students.The NMSU Department of Physics
offers Bachelor's degrees in physics and engineering physics and
Master's and Doctoral degrees.
The University of Arizona (UA) Physics Department invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in theoretical nuclear physics starting Fall 2025. The UA nuclear theory group pursues research on a variety of topics at the intersection between QCD and nuclear physics, including effective field theories and fundamental symmetries. The initial appointment is partially funded by the FRIB Theory Alliance.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of South Carolina, Columbia campus, invites applications for a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow. The initial appointment will be two years with a possible extension of a third year dependent on funding and satisfactory performance.
The successful candidate will conduct research in experimental nuclear physics at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) and related to the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) being built at Brookhaven National Lab.
The Department of Physics at The Ohio State University announces an opening for a tenure-line faculty hire for a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics. The appointment will be effective in Autumn 2025 at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek a candidate whose work complements that of the nuclear and astrophysics efforts at Ohio State and/or helps initiate new research directions at their intersection.