
The Departement of Nuclear Physics (DPhN) at CEA Paris-Saclay is opening a staff scientist position in experimental nuclear physics at the Laboratory for Nuclear Structure Studies (LENA) for the year 2025.

Please see the attachment for more information.

Barbara Sulignano
Bât. 703 Pce 5
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex

Please see below an advertisement for a Joint BNL-SUNY Old Westbury theory postdoctoral fellowship in nuclear physics. Note the deadline for applications is February 10th, 2025.

SNOLAB has two Research Scientist positions available.  Please see the attachment for details.

We have a new opening for a tenure track position in experimental high energy nuclear physics at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.  The deadline to apply is Feb 2nd, 2025.

Lappi, Tuomas Lappi


The CNRS opens two permanent positions for nuclear physics researchers at the following link:

The offers, labelled as 01/02 and 01/03 are :

01/02 One Scientist : on the theme « Nuclear structure and reactions », at the Grand Accelerateur National de Ions Lourds (GANIL) in Caen.

 Argonne National Laboratory is seeking applications for the role of Group Leader for the Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Research Group (LER) within the Physics Division. With a staff of 11 Ph.D. scientists complemented by approximately 7 postdocs, the LER is the largest research group in the Physics Division, and conducts world-leading research in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, fundamental symmetries, and nuclear data. Additionally, the group oversees, operates, and develops existing advanced detector systems at the ATLAS National User Facility.

The  Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Group at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher in the STAR/ePIC experiments. Detailed information about the position can be found on the web page

under "Postdoctoral Fellow in the STAR experiment & the ePIC experiment at BNL (USA)"

The deadline for applications is January 10, 2025 and the position remains open until it is filled.

 The Department of Physics and Physical Oceanography at University of North Carolina Wilmington invites applications for a postdoctoral position with its experimental nuclear physics group. The research activities of the group focus on precision tests of fundamental symmetries and searches for new physics beyond the standard model via the decays of light pseudoscalar mesons at Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA.

For applications and further information, please contact Maarten Boonekamp (