About CINP

Click here for a recent newsletter describing CINP activities.

Contact Information: 
     Garth Huber, Ph.D.
     CINP Executive Director
     c/o University of Regina
     Department of Physics
Mission Statement: 
The purpose of the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics (CINP) is to provide a formal organization to fairly-represent and effectively-advocate the interests and goals of the Canadian nuclear physics research community to relevant agencies and parties.
In support of this mission, the Institute's activities may include but are not limited to:
  • solicit, assemble, and organize the physics research plans of the Canadian nuclear physics research community into a broad-based roadmap for presentation to bodies such as the NSERC SAPES and long range planning committees.
  • represent the broad-based interests of the Canadian nuclear physics community to relevant institutes, in Canada and abroad.
  • provide a forum for the advancement of the interests of students and alumni of higher education programs in nuclear physics in Canada.
  • workshops or other initiatives of interest to the Canadian nuclear physics community.
  • facilitate Canadian participation in new nuclear physics initiatives in Canada and abroad.
These statements approved by the individual membership, meeting at Brock University, June 12, 2006