Post-doctoral research associate @ Jefferson Lab

Jefferson Lab invites applications for a post-doctoral research associate position in Hall C. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to participate in completing the installation and commissioning of the SHMS spectrometer and its detectors as well as participate in the initial Hall C 12 GeV era experiments. Physics topics of these experiments include proton structure functions, color transparency, the EMC effect, short range correlations and semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering. Leadership roles on already approved proposals are possible by mutual agreement with experiment spokespersons.

Position Requirements

A Ph.D. in experimental nuclear, particle, or high-energy astrophysics is required. Experience working with particle detectors and analyzing data is essential, and a background in lepton-nucleus physics would be beneficial. The appointment will be made for three years.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and arrange to have letters from two references sent to: Erica Jones at as well as applying online at:…

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