Postdoctoral positions in the Theory Center at Jefferson Lab

The Jefferson Lab Theory Center expects to have up to three postdoctoral positions beginning around September 2017 to join a program of research in theoretical hadronic and nuclear physics that motivates and supports Jefferson Lab experiments at 12 GeV and beyond.

This includes:
Calculation of the properties of light nuclei and their electroweak interactions;Studies of strong coupling QCD on the lattice and in the continuum to compute the spectrum, decays, transition form factors and multidimensional structure of hadrons;
The application of Effective Field Theories to nuclear and hadronic properties;
The application of QCD factorization to observables sensitive to single and multi-dimensional hadron structures (encoded in both TMDs and GPDs), and their extraction from data using QCD global analyses;
The application of scattering theory methods to the phenomenology of multi-hadron final states relevant for the spectroscopy program at JLab and elsewhere;and the implication and extension of all such studies for a future Electron-Ion Collider.
These positions are normally for two years, but outstanding performance may allow an extension to a third year. There are established networking opportunities to interact and collaborate with researchers worldwide to bring global experience and expertise to bear on extracting definitive physics results from the JLab 12 GeV experimental program. You can find more about the Theory Center by clicking on: A strong publication record in any of the areas of interest is essential, together with a PhD in hadron or nuclear physics.

Applicants must upload (1) your cv, (2) research interest and (3) publication list through JLab's online application tracking system at Postdoctoral Research Positions. Additionally, 3 letters of recommendation should be sent on your behalf to Mary Fox at by December 2, 2016. While not required, applicants may also send a copy of application materials to Mary Fox electronically. Applicants submitting application materials to Mary Fox without also having applied online will not be considered.

Position Requirements
A PhD in an appropriate area of theoretical physics is a prerequisite, together with a record of publications in leading journals and talks at workshops and conferences.
Recognized research program in theoretical nuclear and/or hadron physics that overlaps with the JLab scientific program.
Mental Requirements
Ability to comprehend, formulate and communicate highly abstract concepts
Ability to express or exchange complex ideas by means of spoken and written communication
Physical Requirements
Ability to get across various locations on the laboratory site and access work areas
Visual capabilities sufficient to use computer workstations, read documents and see safety alarms
Auditory capabilities to hear safety alarms

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