Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Theoretical Nuclear/Hadronic Physics

The Department of Physics at Old Dominion University (ODU) and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) are seeking a theoretical physicist in the field of Quantum Chromodynamics and hadron and nuclear physics. The appointment is expected to be made at the tenure-track, Assistant Professor level with an anticipated start date of Fall 2017.

The candidate must have a PhD or equivalent in theoretical nuclear/hadronic or particle physics. The Department of Physics at Old Dominion University, where the appointee would be a regular faculty member, currently has twenty-one full-time faculty, 50 PhD graduate students and more than 80 undergraduate majors. The Jefferson Lab Theory Center, where the appointee would be a staff member, currently consists of fourteen permanent staff members (nine of whom have joint appointments at neighboring PhD-granting universities), together with four bridged faculty fellows at participating universities in the country, and a good number of postdoctoral research associates and graduate students.

The candidate would be expected to initiate and maintain a strong, externally funded research program in QCD and nuclear/hadron physics to help support the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV physics program, and to explore physics opportunities at a future Electron-Ion Collider. At the same time, the candidate should demonstrate potential for excellence in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Further information about Old Dominion University, the Physics Department and Jefferson Lab can be found at www.odu.edu/physics and www.jlab.org.

Applicants should submit an application online at https://jobs.odu.edu/. A complete application will consist of 1) a cover letter describing the individual's qualifications for the position; 2) a curriculum vitae, and; 3) a vision statement addressing research, 4) a vision statement addressing teaching, and 5) the names and contact information for three references. The system will solicit and receive reference letters from the individuals listed. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Applications received by December 12, 2016 will receive full consideration.

Old Dominion University and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility are equal opportunity, affirmative action institutions. Minorities and women, veterans and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please apply at https://jobs.odu.edu