Director for EIC Science position at BNL

Director, EIC Science
Nuclear and Particle Physics Directorate
Brookhaven National Laboratory

The BNL Nuclear and Particle Physics Directorate has an opening for the position of Director, EIC Science. This person will be a highly regarded and experienced experimentalist who has demonstrated scientific leadership skills at the national and international levels. Key responsibilities of the position are to assure that a strong scientific case for the EIC is developed emphasizing the specific discovery potential of the eRHIC facility and that the developing experimental program and detector R&D addresses the most important science opportunities enabled by eRHIC. The EIC Science Director will represent, together with other Laboratory and community leaders, the compelling scientific capabilities of eRHIC to the scientific community and other stakeholders.

The selected candidate will be placed at the appropriate scientific level depending on depth and breadth of relevant knowledge and skills he or she brings to the position, as well as the amount of relevant experience.

The mission of the BNL Nuclear and Particle Physics (NPP) Directorate of is to provide state-of-the-art experimental user facilities for nuclear and high-energy physics research and to conduct world-leading research in high-energy nuclear and particle physics.

A Ph.D. degree in experimental nuclear physics or a closely related field is required as well as at least fifteen years of experience in nuclear physics research. Candidates who have demonstrated experience with management and coordination of R&D activities funded by the DOE Office of Science will be preferred.

Applications should be submitted through the BNL's web-based recruitment system, which can be accessed through the job posting website:

Consideration of applications will begin on December 10, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.