Nuclear Theory at the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory invites applications for a staff scientist position in Nuclear Theory within the T-2 group (Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology). Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. in nuclear theory or a closely related field. The successful candidate should have a demonstrated ability to conduct independent research in nuclear theory or closely related areas, as well as strong communication and leadership skills. Areas of greatest interest in the group include QCD / effective theories of QCD for hadronic and quark-gluon plasma physics, nuclear structure and astrophysics, and weak interactions and fundamental symmetries. In addition to six full time staff scientists working in basic nuclear theory, our group has expertise in applied nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and plasma physics. Research at the intersections of these areas with nuclear theory is highly valued. Moreover, the Theoretical Division provides a stimulating scientific environment and opportunities for interdisciplinary science. The Division and the T-2 group enjoy a highly visible postdoctoral program and are actively involved in DOE Nuclear Theory topical collaborations and SciDAC projects.

Theorists in the Division actively collaborate with experimentalists at LANL and beyond. The experimental Nuclear Physics program at LANL makes critical contributions to QCD and heavy ion physics (RHIC, SeaQuest), neutrino physics (MAJORANA, accelerator neutrinos), and precision neutron physics (neutron EDM, lifetime, decay correlations). Incipient experimental efforts in LHC, EIC, and FRIB science follow our established theory thrusts in these areas. Candidates whose research program overlaps with any of these experimental efforts are encouraged to apply.

Los Alamos is an equal-opportunity employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application material (CV, brief statement of research interests, and at least three letters of recommendation) should be uploaded on the AJO website. For full consideration application packages should be complete by December 16, 2016. Review of applications will begin the following week and will continue until the position is filled. For further information please contact Vincenzo Cirigliano ( and Ivan Vitev (