Post-doctoral position at IPN Orsay

A post-doc position is now open at the Institut de Physique Nucleaire d'Orsay (IPNO, France), to work with the hadronic physics team on nucleon-structure experiments at Jefferson Lab (JLab, USA).

Studying and understanding the inner structure of the nucleon is one of the main challenges in hadronic physics. For more than 15 years our team at IPNO has been carrying out research at JLab, in particular measuring exclusive photon and meson electroproduction reactions in order to access the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) of the nucleon. Our team has led a fruitful experimental program of GPD measurements at JLab (in the Halls A and B) with a 6-GeV electron beam. This program is continuing now with the 12-GeV upgrade of JLab, which allows us to attain kinematic regions optimally suited for the study of GPDs.

See attached file for complete details.