Postdoctoral research position at Rochester

The Neutrino group at the University of Rochester invites applications for a position as Postdoctoral Research Associate. Our group currently collaborates on the MINERvA, T2K and DUNE experiments. The successful applicant will lead a data analysis from the MINERvA or T2K experiments, and will make a strong and identifiable contribution to the design, prototyping and commissioning of detectors for the DUNE experiment. For more information about this post, please contact Professors Steven Manly ( and Kevin McFarland (

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, including a 2 page description of research experience and interest, a list and description of publications to which the applicant has made direct contributions, and arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent via email only to Ms. Connie Jones at
 with the subject "Neutrino postdoctoral search”
. Review of applications will begin on March 1 with applications reviewed as they are received until April 15 or the position is filled.

The University of Rochester has a strong commitment to diversity and actively encourages applications from candidates from groups underrepresented in higher education. The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Contact: Connie Jones Email: Letters of Reference should be sent to: