Postdoctoral position at Carnegie Mellon

The Carnegie Mellon Medium Energy Physics group has an opening for a Post Doctoral Researcher. The successful applicant will be based at Jefferson Lab, and spend the majority of their time working on our physics program with the GlueX Experiment ( ) with particular emphasis on supporting the operation of the experiment. The GlueX experiment is led by Professor Curtis Meyer, and our GlueX group at CMU consists of two faculty members, one other post doc, and 2-3 graduate students. This is part of our larger Jefferson Lab program that also encompasses research in Halls A and C and consists of two additional faculty members, a post doc and 2-3 graduate students. More information about the broader particle physics effort at Carnegie Mellon can be found at http:/

The GlueX Experiment started its multi-year program of physics-quality data collection in early 2017. Analysis of these data and planned hardware upgrades in the next few years will lead to multi-year program of physics results. The successful candidate is expected to represent Carnegie Mellon at Jefferson Lab, be able to effectively interact and work with the members of the GlueX Collaboration, and provide guidance to graduate and undergraduate students working on the experiment. Good data analysis skills are crucial, while detector development experience is a plus.

We seek a candidate with a Ph.D. in nuclear or particle physics, or the equivalent post-doctoral experience, strong interest in the GlueX Physics program, and the motivation and drive to lead physics analyses of these data. Our diverse group is welcoming to all candidates and we seek new members who can support and enhance this diversity and grow our physics program.

Interested candidates can apply online at by providing a cover letter, statement of research interests, curriculum vitae and the names of three people who will upload letters of recommendations to the site. We expect to start reviewing candidates in mid to late April with the goal of filling the position by the summer of 2017. For more information, contact Professor Curtis Meyer,

Carnegie Mellon considers applicants for employment without regard to, and does not discriminate on the basis of, gender, race, protected veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and any additional legally protected status.