Faculty Position in Experimental Nuclear Physics at CUA

The Physics Department at The Catholic University of America seeks to fill a tenure-track assistant professor position in experimental nuclear physics, to begin in August 2018.

Our research program focuses on the study of hadron structure and spectroscopy with electromagnetic probes focused in Experimental Halls C and D at the Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) - a flagship US nuclear physics facility in the US. The CUA research at JLab pushes the energy scale for hard exclusive and semi-inclusive processes requiring precision and high luminosity, to validate the foundation of 3D transverse spatial and momentum imaging. CUA's research concentrates on the understanding of the structure of the lightest mesons: pions and kaons, and the intriguing possibility of discovery of exotic mesons with gluons. The CUA group has a strong history of involvement at JLab, and a strong interest in Particle Identification Detectors, in particular with DIRC detectors, aerogel detectors, and electromagnetic calorimeters. CUA built and is responsible for the aerogel Cherenkov detector in Hall C, leads the construction of the Neutral Particle Spectrometer (NPS) in Hall C, and is involved in the DIRC detector in Hall D. We are further active in the development of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC), a next generation experimental facility, which would allow for studies of the fundamental gluon structure of matter, and their relation to the emergence of mass.

We seek candidates who understand, are enthusiastic about, and will make a significant contribution to the mission of the University, which can be found here: https://www.cua.edu/about-cua/mission-statement.cfm].

We are searching mainly for candidates with a primary interest in the program of hadronic and nuclear physics carried out at JLab. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and will be expected to build a strong research program that will enhance the current programs at the Catholic University of America. We plan to hire at the assistant professor level, but will also consider particularly qualified more senior applicants.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in physics or a related field, have demonstrated the ability to initiate and lead research, have an established record of publications in scientific journals, and good teaching skills. Applicants should submit curriculum vitae, publication record including citation information, research plan, teaching plan, and a one- to two-page personal statement indicating how the candidate, through her or his research, teaching, and service, would make a distinctive contribution to advancing the University's mission.

The University will perform background checks on all new faculty hires prior to making the final offer of employment.

Contact: Tanja Horn (email: hornt@cua.edu)

The Catholic University of America is an Equal Opportunity Employer.