PDF Position - Theoretical Nuclear Physics - The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University Nuclear Theory Group anticipates an opening
for a postdoctoral researcher beginning in the Fall of 2018. Current
research efforts by Profs. Furnstahl, Heinz, Jeschonnek, Kovchegov,
and Perry include work on relativistic heavy-ion collisions and
quark-gluon plasma, hydrodynamic simulations, high energy QCD and
gluon saturation, deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and the electron-ion
collider (EIC), proton spin and TMD evolution, applications of AdS/CFT
methods to strong interactions, effective field theory,
renormalization group applications, quark-hadron duality and electron
scattering from light nuclei, and applications of effective field
theory and the renormalization group to nuclear reactions and
structure. Group members frequently interact with other Ohio State
faculty, including Profs. Braaten, Ho, Mathur, and the Nuclear
Experimental Group (Profs. Humanic and Lisa) which has research
efforts concentrating on heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC.

Applicants should use Academic Jobs Online


to submit curriculum vitae, publication list, statement of research
interests, and arrange to have three letters of reference uploaded
into AJO.

For fullest consideration, applications should be received by December
15, 2017. The Ohio State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer. The members of the Nuclear Theory Group value
diversity. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

* Yuri Kovchegov Tel: 1 (614) 292-9628 (office) *
* Professor 1 (614) 791-1382 (home) *
* Department of Physics Fax: 1 (614) 292-7557 *
* The Ohio State University Email: kovchegov.1@osu.edu *
* 191 West Woodruff Avenue Office: Phys. Res. Bldg. M2042 *
* Columbus, OH 43210 http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~yuri/ *