Faculty position - UC Berkeley

We welcome applications from candidates across all areas of subatomic and astro physics. This includes but is not limited to programs currently established at UC Berkeley, including the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other collider physics, long-baseline neutrinos, low-energy tests of fundamental symmetries, dark matter searches, gravity and cosmology, compact objects, and space physics. Preference will be given to candidates who have promise in teaching, demonstrated originality and productivity in research, and the potential to advance the physics department's goal of a more equitable and diverse scholarly environment.

We are particularly interested in learning of talented doctoral students or junior faculty, who are women or underrepresented minorities (African Americans, Latin Americans or Hispanics, and Native Americans), as well as candidates with disabilities.

We would greatly appreciate if you could post the job advertisement (See attachment) and encourage women and underrepresented minorities, as well as students, postdocs, and other members of your academic program to apply.

Thank you in advance for helping us to identify potential candidates! Please reply to this email with your suggestions.

Best regards,
Barbara Jacak
Search Committee for UC Berkeley Department of Physics