Post-doc position in theoretical hadron physics at INFN CAGLIARI

Two year post-doc position for theoretical research in the field of hadron and spin physics at the INFN theory group in Cagliari.

We wish to inform you that the selection procedure is now open; the deadline for applications is November 15th, 2017.

Applications can be submitted online at the following website:

where all information can be found.

The successful candidate will have to start her/his activity during the next year, not later than fall 2018.
The INFN official call is also attached to this email.

During her/his post-doc, the successful applicant will work on the theory and phenomenology of spin and azimuthal asymmetries in high-energy hadronic processes and the 3D structure of hadrons, mainly, but not only, within the Transverse Momentum Dependent approach.
The hadron physics theory group in Cagliari is presently composed by two staff members, Umberto D'Alesio and Francesco Murgia, and a PhD student, Carlo Flore. A new tenure track member will join the group within the end of this year.