Post-doc position at University of Pavia

The Department of Physics of the University of Pavia opens a post-doc position to work within the "3DSPIN" ERC Consolidator Grant. The candidate is expected to have (or be close to finish) a PhD in Physics and to have a background in QCD and phenomenology of hadronic physics.

Deadline for application: 30 Nov 2017
Duration: 2 years
Salary: € 28.500,00 gross yearly salary (around 2100 €/month after taxes).
Expected start: Summer 2018
Contact for further information: Alessandro Bacchetta.
URL for further information:…


Office: Dipartimento di Fisica
Universita` di Pavia
via Bassi 6
27100 Pavia, Italy
tel +39 0382 987 449
cell +39 340 776 9998
fax +39 0382 526938

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