Postdoc position in Madrid

The regional government of Madrid in Spain will be offering soon postdoc positions within the so called Attraction of Talent program, aimed at hiring experienced researchers working abroad. We would like to circulate this message to people interested in these 4 yr postdocs. In previous years, the candidates were divided in junior (with at most 2 years of postdoc experience) and senior. Previous calls can be found here (the text is only in Spanish)…

In order to select suitable candidates for applying at University of Madrid and our department I would like to invite interested people to contact me or any member of our group during this month. The call will open again much probably at the end of june and will close 2/3 weeks later (say, during july).

The web page of our group is
and you can find there the e-mail contacts of all members of our group.

Ignazio Scimemi
Departamento Física Teórica
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
91 394 4492