Assistant Physicist Position (Theory) at Argonne

We would appreciate your help in advertising an Assistant Physicist (equivalent to Asst. Prof.) position with the Theory Group of the Physics Division at Argonne National Laboratory. We are seeking a diverse pool of applicants in any field of theory funded by the Department of Energy's Office of Nuclear Physics, and the position is expected to begin in October 2020.

Further details about the position and instructions for application are available through the Theory Group website [] or directly at (also attached):… where applications received by 6 March 2020 will receive our fullest consideration.

Argonne is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that fosters collaborative scientific discovery and innovation. We are therefore seeking to have a wide pool of candidates from diverse backgrounds. If you have any questions regarding the position please contact Ian Cloet <>.

Best Regards,

The Search Committee

Melina Avila Coronado <>

Ian Cloet (Chair) <>

Sylvester Joosten <>

Filip Kondev <>

Zein-Eddine Meziani <>

Robert Wiringa <>

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