CINP input to 2027-2037 Long Range Plan

April 15 - Notification of intent to submit a written brief
May 12   - Draft copy of your written brief using our template
June 13  - CINP Town Hall Meeting @ CAP Congress
June 27  - Final version of your written brief
For more information, please read this page in full.

The Canadian subatomic physics community establishes its scientific, and thus funding, priorities through periodic Long Range Plans (LRP). The current LRP covers the period from 2022 to 2026, with an outlook to 2036. This Report and a shorter overview are available at  As was recently announced in the CINP Newsletter, the new LRP will be in effect from 2027 through 2034, with its scope extending through 2041.  The goal of this LRP is to prepare a roadmap for a compelling, broad-based program going forward, and to make the case for financial and other support for our field.  A renewal of this 2027-2034 plan will occur before 2033.

The Canadian Subatomic Physics Long Range Plan 2027-2034 is jointly supported by the Institute of Particle Physics (IPP), the Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics (CINP), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). The additional stakeholders, TRIUMF, SNOLAB, the McDonald Institute, and the Perimeter Institute are supportive of this process.

CINP and IPP are tasked to prepare briefs for the LRP Committee. These briefs must summarize the scientific vision and priorities put forward by the sub-communities they represent and serve, including both experimental and theoretical facets.

The CINP report submitted to the LRP Committee in 2020 was prepared by a committee consisting of the CINP Executive Director and the Chairs of the CINP Scientific Working Groups (SWGs). 33 project briefs were submitted to the CINP Report Committee in the last planning cycle.

As CINP prepares to submit its brief to the LRP Committee in fall 2025, we invite our community to send their input in the LaTeX template and spreadsheet below.  Input is welcome from any group or individual whose research activities fall within nuclear physics (e.g. hadrons/QCD, nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental symmetry tests at low or intermediate energies). You do NOT need to be a member of the CINP to submit a brief.  However, to submit a brief it is required that you are (or shortly will be) eligible to hold an NSERC Subatomic Physics research grant.

To maximize the efficacy of the CINP input for the LRP Committee, we strive to compose a brief which is compact and impactful. Only briefs using the template will be accepted.  We ask you to respect the word limits for each section.  organizing your ideas according to themes in Canadian Subatomic Physics Long-Range Plan 2022 2026:  Section 2 – Canadian Subatomic Physics Research Plan with the most important input being your long-term goals.

There is no page limit on images, photos, or student testimonials to potentially by used in “Benefits to Society” section, see Canadian Subatomic Physics Long-Range Plan 2022 2026:  Section 4 – Benefits to Society.

We have arranged for a CINP Town Hall meeting to occur in conjunction with the CAP Congress at the University of Saskatchewan, on Friday June 13.  A Zoom connection will be made available for those who cannot attend in person, but in-person attendance is preferred.  Registration will open soon for the CAP Congress, so please be sure to include the Friday Town Hall meeting in your plans.

The detailed agenda of the Town Hall meeting will be announced later.  We plan for the SWG Chairs to present overviews of the submitted briefs within their respective areas, with lots of time allotted for discussion on roadmaps and flagship projects to be profiled.


  • Notification of intent to submit a brief no later than TUESDAY APRIL 15 to the CINP Executive Director at
    A convenient form for including the required information is attached below.  Your notification should include the project title, the contact person, the list of Canadian co-investigators covered by the brief, and which CINP SWGs your project is relevant to.  If your program is relevant for more than one SWG, please list them all.
  • We require a draft copy of your written brief no later than MONDAY MAY 12, so we can prepare summary overviews of the received information by physics category to generate discussion at the Town Hall meeting, and to prepare questions.  Only briefs using the template (see the attachments below) will be accepted.
  • Please arrange to attend the CINP Town Hall meeting at the CAP Congress on FRIDAY JUNE 13.
  • A final version of your written brief, reflecting the comments and discussion at the Town Hall meeting, is due no later than FRIDAY JUNE 27.
  • Once the CINP Brief Committee has completed its deliberations, we will circulate an advanced draft of the Nuclear Physics Brief for community comment prior to submission to the LRPC.  We expect this to be approximately September 1, after we have had time to coalesce the community input into a coherent document.

We look forward to receiving your notification ASAP and your project brief by May 12, 2025. Please contact your CINP Working Group Chair(s) or CINP Director if you need more information.

The CINP Brief Committee

Garth Huber       (Chair)
Svetlana Barkanova       (QCD/Hadrons)
Paul Garrett       (Nuclear Structure)
Nicole Vassh      (Nuclear Astrophysics)
Jeff Martin      (Fundamental Symmetries)
Alexandros Gezerlis      (Nuclear Theory)
Ruben Sandapen      (Education & Training)

File Attachments
Attachment Size
Notice of Intent form 683 bytes
LaTeX template 13.33 KB
PDF of LaTeX template 109.22 KB
HQP and funding info spreadsheet 12.12 KB