CINP Undergraduate Research Scholarships (URS) - 2025 competition

The CINP is pleased to announce the 2025 Undergraduate Research Scholarships program, to enable gifted undergraduates to work with a supervisor on nuclear physics research this summer.


The program is open to any Physics or Engineering Physics major enrolled in a Bachelor of Science or Applied Science program at a Canadian university. Students must not hold any higher degrees in the natural sciences or engineering. The research supervisor must be an NSERC-grant-eligible member of the CINP, but does not have to be employed by the institution where the research will be performed.

Duration and Value

The duration of the scholarship is 16 weeks on a full-time basis. The scholarship consists of a $6000 stipend, which must be supplemented with other funds by at least $4000 (to a total of not less than $9500).

In addition, if the supervisor intends to send the student to a laboratory or work with a second collaborator for an extended period in the summer, the CINP is willing to contribute up to an additional $1300 to help cover transportation and lodging expenses. The supplement will be paid only after the completion of travel, upon submission of expense documentation. Travel from the student's residence to the supervisor's place of employment is not eligible. Thus, the value of the scholarship is between $6000 and $7300, depending on the need for a travel supplement.

Application Procedure

The student and prospective supervisor must jointly apply for the scholarship. The application form is available at the bottom of this page. The student fills in Part A of the application, and attaches:

  • copy of most recent undergraduate transcripts (including a scan of the back page giving the university's grading scheme)
  • 1-2 page CV, including computing and research or other employment experience.

The student also asks for two letters of recommendation from professors familiar with the student's physics work (at least one must come from a person other than the proposed supervisor). These should be emailed directly to the CINP at the address below. The prospective supervisor fills out Part B of the application, and sends the entire application package (including the student's portion, preferably in PDF form) by email to: Garth Huber (CINP Executive Director) at huberg(at)uregina(dot)ca


The final deadline for receipt of all application materials is close of business, Monday, February 24.  We expect to communicate the successful awards by March 24.

File Attachments
Attachment Size
CINP_URS_application.doc 131.5 KB