Junior Scientist Travel Support Program (JSci)


The goal of the CINP Junior Scientist Travel Support Program is to allow graduate students and PDFs to broaden their research horizon and become more mature scientists. Initially, the program supports two types of expenditures:

  1. Allow graduate students and PDFs to attend specialized workshops and schools not directly related to their research project, and hence not normally funded from their supervisor's NSERC grant. Examples include workshops or training opportunities on the practical applications of subatomic physics detector techniques (e.g. muon tomography in archaeology, medical imaging, etc.), new computer or digitization technologies, advanced computation techniques, or technology transfer training (e.g. patent law, venture capital, etc.).
  2. Funding to enable PDFs (and CINP Graduate Fellows) to present their work at conferences or workshops, so they may receive external recognition for their work, improve their communication skills, and better position them for successful careers in subatomic physics. Conferences and workshops already receiving funds from CINP will not be eligible. Preference will be given to international meetings held either in Canada or abroad.

How to Apply

The total program funds available for 2023-24 is $7000. We anticipate the typical award to be: $1500-2500 for application type 1, $500-$1000 for application type 2. The applicant is encouraged (but not required) to use the CINP support to leverage additional sources of funding.

Applications are accepted on a continuing basis, and must be submitted to the CINP Executive Director at huberg@cinp.ca at least 2 months (preferably even earlier) before the expected date of travel. A standing committee consisting of: CINP Executive Director, Chair of the Education & Training SWG, and one representative of the CINP Board will evaluate applications as they are submitted and provide prompt feedback or decision to the applicant (typically within 2 weeks).

The application form can be obtained below.

The applicant is expected to make their case for funding according to the training or scientific opportunity that will be enabled by the travel, the quality of the applicant, and the need for funds.

Selection Committee for 2024-25:
Garth Huber (Regina) - CINP Executive Director
Ruben Sandapen (Acadia) - Chair of the Nuclear Education and Training SWG
Liliana Caballero (Guelph) - CINP Board Representative

File Attachments
Attachment Size
JSci_travel_application.doc 61.5 KB