PDF position at NIST
The Neutron Physics Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking postdoctoral researchers to participate in our diverse fundamental science program probing fundamental symmetries using neutron beta decay, precision measurements with neutron interferometry, and detector development for low energy nuclear physics. Postdoctoral researchers will have the opportunity to participate in one or more of these efforts, applying existing skills and developing new ones. Specific work could involve R&D on novel detection schemes, for example cryogenic Thermal Kinetic Inductance Detectors, searches for exotic new forces, and fundamental tests of quantum mechanics. The positions are expected to include design and application of hardware, data acquisition and analysis. Postdocs will be expected to disseminate results through publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at conferences and topical meetings and have opportunities to mentor graduate students based within our group. Candidates with experience in low-temperature physics or Monte Carlo simulation are particularly encouraged to apply. Help search for new phenomena and develop innovative instrumentation that enables the next generation of precision measurements in nuclear physics.