PDF position at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

The newly established Emmy Noether group of Dr. Farah Afzal at the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) in Germany, focusing on hadron spectroscopy with the GlueX experiment, invites applications for a Postdoc position in hadron physics. The Postdoc position is expected to begin in February 2025 earliest, and last for three years. The position is based on the German civil service pay scale TV-L E13 and is funded by the Emmy Noether Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).  

The aim of the project is to analyze data collected at the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia, USA and to study the spectrum of light-quark mesons. In particular, the focus will be on the search for exotic mesons such as hybrid mesons. The Postdoc candidate will be integrated into the international GlueX collaboration and will be expected to play a leading role in the development of advanced analysis tools, simulations, reconstruction, analysis and interpretation of data, as well as contribute to tasks relevant to the operation of the experiment.

The candidate is required to have a Ph.D. in experimental hadron or nuclear physics prior to starting the appointment, strong software skills (C++, Python, ROOT), good English language skills, good teamwork and communication skills and the ability and eligibility to travel to Jefferson Lab in Newport News, Virginia, USA. Experience in partial-wave analysis is desirable.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, CV with a publication list and a research statement about their research experience and research interests. Please submit your application via Email: afzal@jlab.org with the subject line GlueX-RUB-Postdoc application, <candidate family name>. In addition, please arrange for two recommendation letters to be sent via Email: afzal@jlab.org with the subject line “Reference letter for GlueX-RUB-Postdoc <candidate family name>. The deadline for the application is December 20th, 2024.

RUB has an excellent working environment with a strong hadron physics presence. We highly value an inclusive working atmosphere and strongly encourage applications from diverse backgrounds. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

Contact: Dr. Farah Afzal (afzal@jlab.org)