Postdoc positions at Argonne…
We invite applications for up to two (2) Postdoctoral research positions in experimental hadronic physics at Argonne National Laboratory. You will be part of our team working on physics and detector projects at Jefferson Lab and towards the Electron-Ion
Collider, with some flexibility to pursue your own research interests. We seek candidates with a background in experimental nuclear or high-energy physics or detector technology. The positions are for up to three years and offer a highly competitive salary.
The review of applications will start on February 1st.
These positions will primarily focus on our scientific program with CLAS12 (including ALERT), Hall C and PRad-II at Jefferson Lab, and/or development of the EIC scientific program, including the development of a polarized light ion source for EIC and the
design of the ePIC Barrel Imaging Calorimeter.
Argonne National Laboratory, situated near Chicago, is a prominent multidisciplinary science and engineering research center. We are the Hadronic Physics Team, part of the Medium Energy Group in the Physics Division, comprising nine staff members, two engineers,
and postdocs and students. Our diverse program includes leading electron-scattering experiments at Jefferson Lab in Hall A, B, and C, including CLAS12 and SoLID. We have led SeaQuest and are involved in SpinQuest at Fermilab and the MUSE experiment at PSI.
As leaders in hardware projects, we are spearheading the ALERT time-of-flight (ATOF) detector, the ePIC Barrel Imaging Calorimeter, and essential components of the SoLID detector at Jefferson Lab. Our explorations extend to innovative measurement techniques
and novel technologies, like superconducting nanowire detectors and pixelized 3D-printed MCP-PMTs, capitalizing on Argonne's multidisciplinary expertise.
Application Process:
Complete the application…
Send a Cover Letter,
Curriculum Vitae (CV), and a Statement of Research
Interests (1 page) to Paulette Dahlberg (
Arrange for three recommendation letters to be sent to the same email address,
Please make sure to confirm that your letter writers have sent their recommendations.