Welcome to the CINP-ICPN website

The Canadian Institute of Nuclear Physics is a formal organization of the Canadian nuclear physics research community to promote excellence in nuclear research and education, and to advocate the interests and goals of the community both domestically and abroad.

ANNOUNCEMENT: CINP Brief to Subatomic Physics Long Range Plan


As announced previously by NSERC, the CINP is charged with coalescing nuclear physics community input into a Brief that will be submitted to them by October 1.

If you would like to submit a brief, but have not yet done so, please rest assured that we will consider all briefs received up to the final deadline of Friday, June 26. Although you are encouraged to attend the Town Hall meeting and participate in the discussions, you can submit a brief even if you are unable to attend. You may also send comments on other people's briefs. Please contact the Executive Director (Garth Huber) if you require a password to the briefs website.

The CINP Brief Committee will circulate an advanced draft of the Nuclear Physics Brief for community comment prior to submission to NSERC. We expect this to be in the second half of August, after the committee has had a chance to do its work.

The CINP Brief Committee

Garth Huber huberg@uregina.ca (Lead Editor)
Iris Dillmann dillmann@triumf.ca (Nuclear Astrophysics)
Charles Gale gale@physics.mcgill.ca (QCD/Hadrons)
Adam Garnsworthy garns@triumf.ca (Nuclear Structure)
Gerald Gwinner gwinner@physics.umanitoba.ca (Fundamental Symmetries)
Juliette Mammei jmammei@physics.umanitoba.ca (Education & Training)