Job Postings

Revised advertisement for the subatomic physics (nuclear or particle) faculty position that is open at the University of Manitoba. The position has now been opened to the assistant or associate professor level, as well as the full professor level, for exceptional candidates. I strongly encourage anyone in the electron scattering community to apply if they are currently in a postdoc or more advanced level position. Please also forward this to other groups if possible (neutrino, high energy, low E dark matter, etc.).

Best regards,
Michael Gericke

The Department of Physics at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Nuclear Theory at the Assistant Professor level.
The successful candidate will join the department with diverse research program (
The position will commence in Fall 2018. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and research credentials in Theoretical Nuclear Physics.

For more information, please see the attachment.

Postdoctoral position in nuclear theory at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, starting in fall 2018.

Currently the nuclear theory group at Penn State consists of two faculty members, prof. Anna Stasto and prof. Mark Strikman, and two graduate students.

The successful candidate should have expertise in theory and/or phenomenology of high energy hadronic collisions.

Postdoctoral position in Theoretical nuclear physics at the University of Connecticut.

The formal advert is enclosed.
The deadline for applications is December 20.
Applications are via the UConn Jobs site (select "Staff positions", search #2018196)

Please bring this job opportunity to the attention of potentially
interested candidates.

The Department of Physics of the University of Pavia opens a post-doc position to work within the "3DSPIN" ERC Consolidator Grant. The candidate is expected to have (or be close to finish) a PhD in Physics and to have a background in QCD and phenomenology of hadronic physics.

Please see the attachment for more information.

We welcome applications from candidates across all areas of subatomic and astro physics. This includes but is not limited to programs currently established at UC Berkeley, including the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and other collider physics, long-baseline neutrinos, low-energy tests of fundamental symmetries, dark matter searches, gravity and cosmology, compact objects, and space physics.

Two year post-doc position for theoretical research in the field of hadron and spin physics at the INFN theory group in Cagliari.

We wish to inform you that the selection procedure is now open; the deadline for applications is November 15th, 2017.

Applications can be submitted online at the following website:

where all information can be found.

The Hadronic Nuclear Physics Group at Florida State University invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab. The group has a long involvement with GlueX, and has a wide range of interests in hadronic physics, with a particular interest in the search for hybrid and other unconventional mesons, as well as interests in advanced scientific computing.