Job Postings

The FRIB Theory Alliance is seeking outstanding candidates for an FRIB Theory Fellowship. The successful
candidate will conduct independent or collaborative research at a Partner Institution on nuclear structure,
reactions, astrophysics, and/or fundamental symmetries relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB).
The FRIB Theory Alliance is a consortium of universities and national laboratories actively engaged in
theoretical research in FRIB science. FRIB will be a new national user facility for nuclear science, funded by

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory seeks highly qualified candidates for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position on the Mu2e experiment.

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is inviting applications for a number of Junior Faculty positions (tenure track) in Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Information Science and Theoretical Particle Physics. For more information please visit our website:

Faculty search in theoretical particle/nuclear physics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Areas of interest include nucleon or nuclear structure, lattice gauge theory, hot QCD matter, physics beyond the standard model, dark matter, phenomenology and quantum field theory. We would like to ask for your help in identifying qualified candidates, since our search is broad both with respect to the areas of interest and the level of experience:

The Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN- Italy) just posted the 2018 program of Post-doc fellowships for foreign students (18 positions for experimentalists and 14 for theorists).
The position would start before November 1st 2018, for 1 year renewable to a second year.

The electronic application is due by November 15th 2017.

All information at the following link:

The Department of Physics & Astronomy ( at Stony Brook University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the field of experimental nuclear physics. The initial appointment will be jointly as a Fellow with the RIKEN-BNL Research Center (RBRC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), for a period of up to five years. During this period the successful candidate will spend about half of his or her time at Stony Brook University and the other half at the RBRC.

The lattice-continuum theory group at York University (led by Randy Lewis and Kim Maltman) is looking for a candidate for a limited-term, non-renewable, one-year research assistant position to further ongoing, partially completed work in the group. The successful candidate should have a publication history confirming expertise in (1) setting up and implementing lattice calculations for exotic hadronic channels, and (2) familiarity with continuum techniques including sum rules, dispersion relations, and Chiral Perturbation Theory.

The Ohio State University Nuclear Theory Group anticipates an opening
for a postdoctoral researcher beginning in the Fall of 2018. Current
research efforts by Profs. Furnstahl, Heinz, Jeschonnek, Kovchegov,
and Perry include work on relativistic heavy-ion collisions and
quark-gluon plasma, hydrodynamic simulations, high energy QCD and
gluon saturation, deep inelastic scattering (DIS) and the electron-ion
collider (EIC), proton spin and TMD evolution, applications of AdS/CFT
methods to strong interactions, effective field theory,

Please find below two links for tenure-track faculty positions in nuclear/particle physics at Northwestern University, in both experiment and theory.

CEA Saclay (France) seeks to hire a post-doctoral fellow, who will join both the Nuclear Physics
Division at Irfu and the Artificial Intelligence division at LIST for a one-year position, renewable
another year. He will be expected to develop crystal-box machine learning algorithms in order to
analyze the data collected this fall and in the spring 2018 with the CLAS12 spectrometer at
Jefferson Laboratory (USA).