Job Postings

The Department of Physics at Old Dominion University (ODU) and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) are seeking a theoretical physicist in the field of Quantum Chromodynamics and hadron and nuclear physics. The appointment is expected to be made at the tenure-track, Assistant Professor level with an anticipated start date of Fall 2017.

The INT is accepting applications for one or more postdoctoral Research Associate positions.

If you could please bring this to the attention of suitable candidates it would be appreciated. My apologies to those of you who receive this message more than once.

Larry McLerran
INT Director

BTI is seeking to fill a number of positions within its electronics group to support a full range of R&D, product development, and product support activities. Experience with processing signals from nuclear physics instrumentation is an asset. Information is available at the following URL:

Silicon array for nuclear reaction studies on a storage ring

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory is the world's only machine capable of colliding high-energy beams of polarized protons, and is unique tool for exploring the puzzle of the proton's 'missing' spin. Members of the RHIC spin group are playing key roles in detector development and analysis of the polarized proton-proton data in both the PHENIX and STAR collaborations at RHIC. The other major involvement of the RHIC spin group is in the RHIC polarimeters, which provide the measurement of the polarization of the proton beams at RHIC.

The Jefferson Lab Theory Center expects to have up to three postdoctoral positions beginning around September 2017 to join a program of research in theoretical hadronic and nuclear physics that motivates and supports Jefferson Lab experiments at 12 GeV and beyond.

The University of Connecticut Physics Department is conducting a faculty search for an assistant professor in nuclear or high energy theory, a bridge position with the RIKEN Brookhaven Research Center at BNL.

The Department of Physics at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in experimental subatomic physics, starting July 1, 2017.

The Department of Physics at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) seeks an outstanding individual with interest and expertise in experimental nuclear physics, who shows promise of becoming a leader in the field, for a tenure-track assistant professor position beginning in August 2017. The successful candidate is expected to lead an active research program in experimental medium energy nuclear physics.

The Physics Department at New Mexico State University anticipates hiring a tenure-track assistant professor in theoretical nuclear and particle physics. The position will be partially funded for the first three years through a grant by the US Department of Energy Office of Science within the framework of a topical collaboration led by Brookhaven National Lab, focused on the three-dimensional description of hadron structure. The successful candidate will have reduced teaching load during those three years and will conduct research connected to this field.